Premium herbal dietary supplements

You have probably arrived at this web page looking for an natural dietary supplement developed specifically to support those with HIV, or for a nutritional complement to HIV drugs (ARV's / HAART).
We are therefore pleased to offer you a few initial facts on "Immune Plus" :
- Most users report personal physical improvement within weeks
- Frequent reports of an HIV viral load reduction begining within three months
- Many reports of a >99% HIV viral load reduction over 12-18 months
- Frequent reports of CD4 recovery following the initial viral load reduction
- No negative reports relating to efficacy
- No reported side effects
- No reported interaction or contraindication with ARV drugs
- 100% herbal supplement
- Currently used in over 30 countries
Whilst these facts are very encouraging, it is important to emphasise that Immune Plus is not a cure for HIV or intended to replace medicine. Nonetheless if you are HIV positive then it may contribute in supporting you to overcome HIV symptoms and maintain good health..
How Immune Plus may support you to overcome HIV symptoms
Overcoming lymph swelling and immune system decline
- HIV targets and kills CD4 immune cells in the body
- 98% of these CD4 cells reside in the lymphatic tissue
- HIV builds up in these areas as it targets CD4 cells
- Build up leads to blockage in the lymphatic system
- Lymphatic blockage disrupts CD4 movement, immune response and viral control
- Lymphatic blockage disrupts CD4 replenishment
- Lymphatic blockage leads to lymph swelling (in the neck and groin for example)
- Immune Plus nurtures flow in the lymphatic system
- Lymphatic blockage and swelling is relieved
- CD4 movement and production are improved
- Immune response and viral control are improved.
Overcoming diarrhea, declining weight, declining strength and loss of appetite
- About 70% of the body's lymphatic tissue is in the gut (GALT)
- The gut is therefore a major site of HIV activity and HIV build up
- HIV build up produces a loss of liquid metabolism and balance in the gut
- This leads to persistent diarrhea
- This reduces the ability to absorb nutrition resulting in declining strength and weight
- Immune Plus stimulates flow in the lymphatic tissue in the gut (GALT)
- Liquid metabolism and balance are restored
- Diarrhea is relieved
- Absorption is restored and strength and weight can be recovered
- Bowl movement is normalised and appetite is restored
Reducing the HIV viral load in the body and supporting immune system recovery
- About 70% of the body's lymphatic tissue is in the gut (GALT)
- The gut is therefore a major site of HIV activity and HIV build up
- The gut may be considered as the HIV reservoir of the body. An area of HIV replication and production
- Immune Plus stimulates the emergence of HIV into the gut from the lymphatic tissue lining the gut
- Specific herbs kill the HIV in the gut. This effect could be considered as 'turning off the HIV tap'
- This effect supports a progressive reduction in HIV viral load
- As the HIV viral load declines there is less CD4 invasion and the immune system can recover
Overcoming HIV induced skin conditions, blocked nose, cough and swollen pharynx
- HIV is observed to induce pathogenic heat in the lungs
- Toxin accumulation builds in the lungs
- The lungs are responsible for cleansing the skin and this ability is reduced
- The skin becomes inflamed and skin conditions arise
- The lungs respiratory functionality declines leading to respiratory problems
- Immune Plus eliminates this pathogenic heat from the lungs
- The lung cleansing functionality returns
- This supports progressive recovery from skin conditions and improved skin texture
- The lungs respiratory functionality returns
- This supports progressive recovery from respiratory symptoms
Overcoming systemic weakness, headache, pain in the muscles and joints, immune system decline
- HIV is observed to induce wet toxin in the spleen
- The spleen becomes deficient in the production of blood and immune cells
- The spleen becomes deficient in the transportation of blood and qi around the body
- This leads to physical and systemic weakness
- Many different symptoms can arise including headache, muscle and joint pains
- Immune Plus eliminates wet toxin in the spleen
- The spleen recovers functionality and the symptoms decline
- The sufferers feels physically and spiritually better as systemic strength is revitalised
Whilst the above information provides a simplistic overview of the partial effect of Immune Plus, it's comprehensive action and efficacy is more complex. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine we have identified HIV induced imbalances throughout the body system and these each impact health and the way in which the body performs, particularly the immune system. Immune Plus is formulated as a dietary supplement to nurture correction of these imbalances.
The ultimate goal is to reach a point where the body produces anti-HIV antibodies and thus controls HIV naturally. This is not something we claim to have achieved yet but it is an aspect we are aspiring to reach and are researching. That may be considered a bold statement but we believe that it is the key to an HIV cure. Allopathic science have never been able to kill any virus but it is an inspirational fact that the body can and anti-HIV antibodies are known to exist, They are however very rare and only produced by some individuals. We believe a reason for this is that the evasive actions of HIV prevent the body triggering such antibodies and the virus is thus able to evade the body's natural immune defense. We believe that a progressive re-balance of the body will nurture a correct immune response whereby the production of anti-HIV antibodies in the body, and this will lead to natural control of HIV, just the way in which other viral infections are controlled.
Using Immune Plus to support HIV symptom recovery or as a complement to ARV therapy:
We believe the foremost objective for those with HIV should be the maintenance of strength and systemic functionality. Without such recovery from a chronic condition is very difficult. Immune Plus does cultivate this as explained above and thus may be used to complement ARV drug therapy. However it should be noted that Immune Plus will not reduce the ARV drug toxicity or ARV drug side effects.
Immune Plus has demonstrated that it nurtures a progressive reduction in HIV viral load and a subsequent restoration of CD4 count. This aspect can also complement the inhibiting action of ARV drug therapy.
On balance Immune Plus is a non toxic, side effect free supplement that has supported many HIV sufferers to progressively return to a good level of general health whereby they feel strong, are free from HIV symptoms and are clinically overcoming HIV. If you do choose to use Immune Plus to support your health it is equally important that you understand it principles and what to expect in terms of progress overtime both physically and clinically. We hope that this introduction has helped to articulate such but we also welcome any questions or concerns you may have and look forward to further supporting your understanding of Immune Plus
Wishing you the best of health.
The Natures Support Team
Copyright © 2012 EKUR Ltd
You have probably arrived at this web page looking for an natural dietary supplement developed specifically to support those with HIV, or for a nutritional complement to HIV drugs (ARV's / HAART).
We are therefore pleased to offer you a few initial facts on "Immune Plus" :
- Most users report personal physical improvement within weeks
- Frequent reports of an HIV viral load reduction begining within three months
- Many reports of a >99% HIV viral load reduction over 12-18 months
- Frequent reports of CD4 recovery following the initial viral load reduction
- No negative reports relating to efficacy
- No reported side effects
- No reported interaction or contraindication with ARV drugs
- 100% herbal supplement
- Currently used in over 30 countries
Whilst these facts are very encouraging, it is important to emphasise that Immune Plus is not a cure for HIV or intended to replace medicine. Nonetheless if you are HIV positive then it may contribute in supporting you to overcome HIV symptoms and maintain good health..
Overcoming diarrhea, declining weight, declining strength and loss of appetite
- About 70% of the body's lymphatic tissue is in the gut (GALT)
- The gut is therefore a major site of HIV activity and HIV build up
- HIV build up produces a loss of liquid metabolism and balance in the gut
- This leads to persistent diarrhea
- This reduces the ability to absorb nutrition resulting in declining strength and weight
- Immune Plus stimulates flow in the lymphatic tissue in the gut (GALT)
- Liquid metabolism and balance are restored
- Diarrhea is relieved
- Absorption is restored and strength and weight can be recovered
- Bowl movement is normalised and appetite is restored
Reducing the HIV viral load in the body and supporting immune system recovery
- About 70% of the body's lymphatic tissue is in the gut (GALT)
- The gut is therefore a major site of HIV activity and HIV build up
- The gut may be considered as the HIV reservoir of the body. An area of HIV replication and production
- Immune Plus stimulates the emergence of HIV into the gut from the lymphatic tissue lining the gut
- Specific herbs kill the HIV in the gut. This effect could be considered as 'turning off the HIV tap'
- This effect supports a progressive reduction in HIV viral load
- As the HIV viral load declines there is less CD4 invasion and the immune system can recover
Overcoming HIV induced skin conditions, blocked nose, cough and swollen pharynx
- HIV is observed to induce pathogenic heat in the lungs
- Toxin accumulation builds in the lungs
- The lungs are responsible for cleansing the skin and this ability is reduced
- The skin becomes inflamed and skin conditions arise
- The lungs respiratory functionality declines leading to respiratory problems
- Immune Plus eliminates this pathogenic heat from the lungs
- The lung cleansing functionality returns
- This supports progressive recovery from skin conditions and improved skin texture
- The lungs respiratory functionality returns
- This supports progressive recovery from respiratory symptoms
Overcoming systemic weakness, headache, pain in the muscles and joints, immune system decline
- HIV is observed to induce wet toxin in the spleen
- The spleen becomes deficient in the production of blood and immune cells
- The spleen becomes deficient in the transportation of blood and qi around the body
- This leads to physical and systemic weakness
- Many different symptoms can arise including headache, muscle and joint pains
- Immune Plus eliminates wet toxin in the spleen
- The spleen recovers functionality and the symptoms decline
- The sufferers feels physically and spiritually better as systemic strength is revitalised
Whilst the above information provides a simplistic overview of the partial effect of Immune Plus, it's comprehensive action and efficacy is more complex. Through the principles of traditional Chinese medicine we have identified HIV induced imbalances throughout the body system and these each impact health and the way in which the body performs, particularly the immune system. Immune Plus is formulated as a dietary supplement to nurture correction of these imbalances.
The ultimate goal is to reach a point where the body produces anti-HIV antibodies and thus controls HIV naturally. This is not something we claim to have achieved yet but it is an aspect we are aspiring to reach and are researching. That may be considered a bold statement but we believe that it is the key to an HIV cure. Allopathic science have never been able to kill any virus but it is an inspirational fact that the body can and anti-HIV antibodies are known to exist, They are however very rare and only produced by some individuals. We believe a reason for this is that the evasive actions of HIV prevent the body triggering such antibodies and the virus is thus able to evade the body's natural immune defense. We believe that a progressive re-balance of the body will nurture a correct immune response whereby the production of anti-HIV antibodies in the body, and this will lead to natural control of HIV, just the way in which other viral infections are controlled.
Using Immune Plus to support HIV symptom recovery or as a complement to ARV therapy:
We believe the foremost objective for those with HIV should be the maintenance of strength and systemic functionality. Without such recovery from a chronic condition is very difficult. Immune Plus does cultivate this as explained above and thus may be used to complement ARV drug therapy. However it should be noted that Immune Plus will not reduce the ARV drug toxicity or ARV drug side effects.
Immune Plus has demonstrated that it nurtures a progressive reduction in HIV viral load and a subsequent restoration of CD4 count. This aspect can also complement the inhibiting action of ARV drug therapy.
On balance Immune Plus is a non toxic, side effect free supplement that has supported many HIV sufferers to progressively return to a good level of general health whereby they feel strong, are free from HIV symptoms and are clinically overcoming HIV. If you do choose to use Immune Plus to support your health it is equally important that you understand it principles and what to expect in terms of progress overtime both physically and clinically. We hope that this introduction has helped to articulate such but we also welcome any questions or concerns you may have and look forward to further supporting your understanding of Immune Plus
Wishing you the best of health.
The Natures Support Team
Copyright © 2012 EKUR Ltd
Herbal Dietary Supplements